How many times have we sinned and lived contrary to the will of God and felt crushed by the weight of it all? Our text for this study is found in 2 Samuel 12. David, the man that the Bible says was a man after Gods own heart sinned grievously. He lusted for another mans wife, slept with her, got her pregnant, and then had her husband named Uriah killed in battle. Let’s be honest, that is some pretty heavy stuff. I’ve often wondered why it took the prophet Nathan to bring this incredible sin to David before he saw the enormity of it, but none the less, when he realized it he was crushed in spirit. He TRULY REPENTED and God disciplined him. The child that he had conceived with Bathsheba in sin was struck ill and several days later died. This is not the end of the story however. Our God being rich in mercy knew David’s (as he knows our) heart and forgave him. Not only did He forgive him but he blessed David and Bathsheba soon after David repented. This is where the Almighty God’s TRUE nature shines through. Yes, our God (the only God) is holy, just, and a Consuming Fire, but as we all well know, He is Love in its purest form. Bathsheba then gave birth to Solomon who would not only be Israel’s next king but would be filled with wisdom and go on to write 3 books of the Bible. As Jesus was an earthly descendant of David, I find it so comforting to see Gods grace in His earthly bloodline. When we look at Jesus’s ancestry found in Matthew 1, when they list Bathsheba they refer to her as the wife of Uriah. That is no accident but instead is a shining reminder that NO sin is beyond grace for a TRULY REPENTENT HEART!!!!

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