John 15:11 (BOLD print added) “These things I have spoken to you, that my JOY may be in you, and that YOUR JOY MAY BE FULL.” These words ring so true to me as the JOY OF THE LORD is the thing that makes my very heart beat. When I try and explain this to people I often use Acts 3 as an example. When Peter and John healed the lame beggar, the Bible tells us he began leaping and praising God and that people were witness to him leaping and praising. So it is with me. I was not lame, I had no broken bones, but I had a broken and crushed spirit which is just as excruciating, if not more so. I was healed by the love of the Lord and the amazing, supernatural power of the Holy Spirit!! How could I not be full of almost uncontainable joy every minute of everyday??!!!? So here’s my question and please ponder this in your heart. Who should be more thankful, the person who has been healed or the one who’s never needed to be?

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