When lies become the truth and the TRUTH becomes lies, believers must come together and in one body rise. I really find it hard to believe that this issue even exists and has become a daily part of my prayer life! This whole “woke” ideology truly ways heavy on my heart as it should the heart of every disciple of Jesus. “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itchy ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 1 Tim 4:3-4 ESV I recently heard the most perfect example of an oxymoron I’ve ever heard and the being a “Progressive Church.” These churches reinterpret the Bible to fit the times and this is truly one of the most heinous sins that can be committed. The farther you move away from the True Word of God the more you actually regress!! I must admit that I am very disappointed to see so many churches remaining silent in the wake of woke. Just look at these TV evangelists, mega churches, and even some local churches. The platforms they have to speak truth in this dark time isn’t just what they should do it is what they are required to do by God. I cannot help to think that much of this is because they want ratings, money, and to fill pews. James 3 tells us that many people should not become teachers because they will be judged with greater strictness and turning a blind eye to sin is the same as condoning it. There is such hatred in the hearts of much of the transgender community towards Christians and why? The answer is that it’s because we will/should not accept the fact that they are making themselves God. So much of this world has come to the conclusion that what an individual thinks or feels is truth and that ALL must adhere to their beliefs and feelings and accept it as our own truth. This is a free country and God gave us freewill so a person can think or believe what they want to but CANNOT force others to agree. Jesus tells us to love those who hate us and that is exactly what we must do as TRUE believers. I do not personally know any believers that do not have love in their heart for the transgender community. We are all Gods creation and He loves those who are lost exactly as much as He loves each of us. We do not force others to share our beliefs but we also must not succumb to what we know is a lie. Stand strong my brothers and sisters and walk in love surrounded by a spirit of gentleness. Nothing is beyond God’s control and He is calling each and ever one of us to do our part in answering the very petition we pray for!! Agape

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