I am going to share a seemingly obscure passage with you for Holy Week and for just two days before Christs death on the cross, but please stay with me. it is found in Genesis chapter 1 verse 30: “And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, EVERYTHING that has the breath of life, I HAVE GIVEN EVERY GREEN PLANT FOR FOOD.” (Bold font added) What does this have to do with Jesus’s suffering on the cross you may ask? The answer lies in Adam and Eve’s original sin. Before the fall there was no death, no killing for food, and EVERYthing lived in harmony and according to God’s design. Now, imagine the horror that Adam and Eve must have felt after they ate from the fruit. They had had personal fellowship with the Lord and He would even walk among them in the garden. As soon as they sinned they experienced feelings they had NEVER experienced before. Imagine having never known guilt, shame, fear, and separation from God and then being overwhelmed by it all at once!! Imagine never seeing death and then witnessing God sacrificing an innocent animal to cover up your sin. To have never seen anything being killed and then witnessing a blood sacrifice must have been horrific. Now, times that by a million and we may have a sense of what Jesus must have experienced on the cross. Imagine He that knew no sin becoming every sin that man had ever done and every evil man would create in the future and paying for it all with His precious blood! What we can never imagine though was how it must have felt for the Son to be separated from the Father as He bore OUR SIN!! Yes, Friday is indeed GOOD FRIDAY but oh what a price was paid and what pain was endured for a wretch like me.

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